
I’ve worked with clients as a teacher and healer for over 20 years. I practice a number of therapies all of which work with the energy of the human body.
My ‘toolbox’ includes healing, meditation and visualisation, EFT, and natural nutrition. Each therapy I use is aimed at restoring harmony and balance to body, mind, and spirit.


Natural Nutrition


Emotional Freedom Technique


Meditation & Visualisation



I have been seeing Christine for the last 10 months for nutrition advice. I have found her to be most professional, interesting, helpful and efficient. I am feeling considerably better thanks to her suggestions and advice.

- J.B. (Hampshire)

I have found Christine to be professional, empathetic and deeply committed to the values and ethos of natural nutrition and healing. The knowledge and guidance that she has provided have not only transformed the way I treat and look after my own body but have also had an infinitely positive affect on the long term well being of my family. I would recommend her services unreservedly.

- J.S. (Hampshire)

This was the easiest diet to follow once I was up to speed. The programme was extremely detailed with clear explanations on how conclusions were reached. I am able to understand my body better and know the signs to look out for. I now use less medication.

- E.D. (Berkshire)