I think of nutrition as another energy therapy. This has nothing to do with calories, but because the food we eat should contain the life energy that nourishes our bodies and ensures that we remain in good health rather than succumb to disease.
Whilst we all realise that a diet full of ‘junk food’ is no good for anyone’s health, diet is not a one size fits all approach.
It’s important to understand that the foods that create vibrant health for one person may not necessarily be suitable for another and can even be the cause of disease.
People come to me for nutritional advice for many reasons. Many want to resolve digestive issues, allergies, or intolerances but increasingly people are seeking help to control the symptoms of chronic illness, degenerative diseases, and autoimmune conditions.
A good diet is one of the first steps to healing any disease.
After taking a full history I provide clients with a diet, specifically tailored to meet their needs, together with supplements and a range of techniques and lifestyle adjustments that will support them in addressing their health problems.
As they go through the process of change, I adjust their programme, always bearing in mind that their bodies need be gently supported as they heal.
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